Tuesday, December 10, 2019
PPAW inches closer to Rs.50 crore mark December 11, 2019 at 09:15AM
'साहब के चाहने वाले तो ऐसे हैं कि मंगनी की बात सुन हाथों से हमें गाड़ी सहित ऊपर उठा लिया था- सायरा बानो December 11, 2019 at 10:07AM

अमित कर्ण, मुंबई.दिलीप कुमार के 97 वें जन्मदिन पर उनकी हमसफर सायरा बानो ने दैनिक भास्कर से बात की। सायरा जी ने दिलीप साहब की वर्तमान कंडीशन को लेकर वे बातें भी बताई जो उनके फैन्स अभी जानना चाहते हैं।
########कैसे हैं अभी युसुफ साहब?
उनका रुटीन आज भी वैसा ही जैसा हमेशा रहा है। रात को वे कभी भी लगकर पूरी नींद नहीं ले पाते थे। आज भी वही हाल है। सुबह जरा जागकर फ्रेशेन अप होकर फिर से सो जाया करते हैं।
कैसा रहेगा 11 दिसंबर को जन्मदिनका जश्न?
दिलीप साहब की तबीयत नासाज है। उनको पहले निमोनियाभी हो चुका है। लिहाजा डॉक्टर्स ने मना किया है कि आप पार्टी मत कीजिए। वह इसलिए कि बहुत लोगों का आना हो जाता है। फैंस, नजदीकी दोस्त, नाते-रिश्तेदार आ जाते हैं। तो दिलीप साहब को कहा गया है कि ज्यादा एक्सपोजर न करें। नतीजतन इस बार सिर्फ क्लोज फैमिली और महज चार से पांच क्लोज फ्रेंड्स ही इकट्ठा हो रहे हैं। ऐसा समझिए कि इस बार मात्र 20 से 25 मेहमानों के साथ ही दिलीप साहब के जन्मदिनमनने वालाहै। दिलीप साहब को बिल्कुल स्ट्रेन नहीं करेंगे। हम लोग छतपर अलग बैठेंगे। एक गेट टुगैदर और फैमिली डिनर साथ में करेंगे।
युसुफ साहब कोक्या पसंद है?
चेन वगैरह पहनते ही नहीं है। पहनते तो हैं बस एक घड़ी। अच्छे कपड़ों का शौक है। व्हाइट कपड़े और उसी रंग की चप्पलें पहना करते हैं।
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Pulkit Samrat and Ritesh Sidhwani hint at Fukrey 3
The successful series had the first and the second parts hitting the bull's eye at the box office. In fact, Riteish Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar's Excel Entertainment produced Fukrey Returns starring Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha in lead roles. The movie garnered over Rs 100 crore worldwide as well.
In a friendly banter on social media, both Pulkit and Ritesh almost confirmed an acclamation for the next installment of Fukrey. When Pulkit questioned if part 3 is in the making, Ritesh wrote that it will indeed be in place for 2020. It's a treat for all Fukrey fans to watch the Fukra team come back with yet another entertaining installment next year.
On the other hand, Ritesh's production house Excel Entertainment will be collaborating with MacGuffin Pictures (Honey Trehan and Abhishek Chaubey) for an upcoming project which will be directed by Hitesh Bhatia with the star cast including Rishi Kapoor and Juhi Chawla.
ALSO READ: Kriti Kharbanda admits to dating Pulkit Samrat; says he is here to stay
CONFIRMED! Shalini Pandey to debut in Bollywood with Ranveer Singh starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar
Arjun Reddy debutante Shalini Pandey is all set to make her way to Bollywood with Ranveer Singh starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar. The rumours have been rife for the last couple of months but it's not confirmed.
Shalini Pandey is excited to debut opposite Ranveer Singh. She said that this inspires her to prepare herself thoroughly to deliver her best.
Producer Maneesh Sharma says Shalini Pandey's audition was so nuanced and spontaneous that they immediately knew she was the right choice for the role. He added that she is an assured actor with a refreshing presence and they have real confidence in backing her talent.
The script is penned by debutant writer-director Divyang Thakkar. The first-timer is directing Ranveer in a humourous entertainer set in Gujarat and the superstar will be seen playing the role of a Gujarati man for the first time. The film is being produced by YRF’s homegrown producer Maneesh Sharma.
ALSO READ: The first look of Ranveer Singh starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar justifies the title of the film!
'मर्दानी 2' में नहीं है कोई गाना, केवल कहानी के माध्यम से मेकर्स देना चाहते हैं संदेश December 11, 2019 at 08:00AM

बॉलीवुड डेस्क. 'मर्दानी2' के मेकर्स ने अपनी कहानी से लोगों को झकझोरने की तैयारी की है। उन्होंने फिल्म में कोई नाच गाना नहीं डाला है। यहां तक कि उन्होंने फिल्म की आखिर में प्रोमोशनल सॉन्ग भी डालने का आइडिया भी ड्रॉप कर दिया। म्युजिक वीडियो की शूटिंग तक भी टाल दी। किसी रेगुलर फिल्म की तरह का प्रोमोशन भी उन्होंने नहीं किया है।
इसका कारण यह है कि निर्माता केवल कहानी के माध्यम से ही फिल्म का संदेश देना चाहते थे। इस कारण ध्यान विचलित करने वाले किसी भी तरह के गीत और संगीत वीडियो के बिना दर्शकों को एक पावरफुल और धड़कनों को बढ़ाने वाले थ्रिलर का अनुभव प्रदान करना चाहते हैं। उन्हें महसूस हुआ कि यह भारत में हो रहे इस गंभीर सामाजिक मुद्दे के बारे में लोगों तक अपनी बातों को पहुंचाने का सबसे प्रामाणिक और वास्तविक तरीका होगा, जिस पर सभी को ध्यान देना चाहिए।
रानी ने इस बात की पुष्टि करते हुए कहा, “मर्दानी एक मनोरंजक थ्रिलर है, लेकिन वास्तव में यह भारत में किशोरों द्वारा महिलाओं के विरुद्ध अंजाम दिए जा रहे बढ़ते हिंसक अपराधों के प्रति भी एक मजबूत सामाजिक संदेश देने की कोशिश कर रही है। हम अपने संदेश की शुद्धता की रक्षा करना चाहते थे और इसके लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा चर्चा और ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को दिखाने के लिए प्रमोशनल गीत जैसे किसी भी तरह की बनावटी मार्केटिंग नहीं करना चहते। हमें महसूस हुआ कि हम जो हासिल करना चाहते हैं, उस दिशा में यह अनुकूल नहीं साबित होगा।”
रानी कहती हैं कि, “एक तरफ जब हम एक शक्तिशाली संदेश देने की कोशिश कर रहे होते हैं, तो हम एक म्यूजिक वीडियो नहीं रिकॉर्ड कर सकते थे, क्योंकि इससे फिल्म का अभिप्राय कमजोर हो जाता।”
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पारस छाबड़ा का दावा-1 साल रिहैब सेंटर में रहे सिद्धार्थ शुक्ला, श्वेता बसु समेत ये 4 सेलेब्स भी रिहैब होकर लौटे December 11, 2019 at 08:00AM

टीवी डेस्क (किरण जैन). हाल ही में 'बिग बॉस 13' के कंटेस्टेंट पारस छाबरा ने घर के अंदर मौजूद सिद्धार्थ शुक्ला को लेकर बहुत बड़ा खुलासा किया। उन्होंने घर के बाकी सदस्यों को बताया कि सिद्धार्थ गुस्से को कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाते। यही वजह है कि उन्हें एक साल रिहैब सेंटर में गुजारना पड़ा था। पारस की मानें तो उन्हें यह बात खुद सिद्धार्थ के ड्राइवर ने बताई थी।
वैसे पारस से पहले अभिनेता कुणाल वर्मा ने भी सिद्धार्थ को लेकर ऐसा ही दावा किया था। उस वक्त दोनों अभिनेता 'दिल से दिल तक' में काम कर रहे थे। सिद्धार्थ के अनप्रोफेशनल रवैये के चलते कुणाल से उनका मनमुटाव हो गया था। तब कुणाल ने कहा था, "वह अनप्रोफेशनल, उन्मादी और साइको है। मुझे लगता है कि उसे मनोचिकित्सक की जरूरत है। मैंने सुना है कि वह एक रिहैब सेंटर पर जा चुका है। ऐसा लगता है कि उसे फिर से वहां जाने की जरूरत है।"
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गिरती सेहत के चलते सलमान के परिवार ने उन्हें दिया बिग बॉस 13 छोड़ने का अल्टीमेटम! December 11, 2019 at 08:00AM

बॉलीवुड डेस्क. 'बिग बॉस 13' सीजन आए दिन सुर्ख़ियों में रहता है। शो की अच्छी टीआरपी के चलते मेकर्स ने इसे पांच हफ़्तों तक आगे बढ़ाने का फैसला भी लिया है। यह शो अब फरवरी में खत्म होगा. शो की लगातार शूटिंग और कई अन्य कमिटमेंट्स के चलते होस्ट सलमान खान की सेहत अब उनका साथ-साथ नहीं दे रही है। वह शो के दौरान भी काफी गुस्से में देखे जा रहे हैं और कई बार शो को छोड़ने की बात भी कह चुके हैं। ऐसे में हाल में आई रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक, सलमान के परिवार ने भी सेहत की परेशानियों की वजह से सलमान को शो छोड़ने के लिए कहा है।
ट्राईजेमिनल न्यूरलजिया से पीड़ित हैं सलमान: डेकन क्रोनिकल में छपी रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, सूत्रों से बातचीत के आधार पर उन्हें पता चला है कि ट्राईजेमिनल न्यूरलजिया से पीड़ित सलमान के लिए गुस्सा करना सही नहीं है। इस बीमारी में चेहरे की मसल्स में खिंचाव के बाद भयानक दर्द होता है। ऐसे में शो के प्रतिभागियों की हरकतों पर जब सलमान को गुस्सा आता है तो यह उनकी सेहत के लिहाज से सही नहीं है। सलमान पिछले कुछ सीजंस से शो छोड़ने की बात कह रहे हैं लेकिन हर बार चैनल और प्रोडक्शन हाउस उन्हें मना लेता है लेकिन इस बार सलमान शो छोड़ने की बात पर अडिग हैं। उनके करीबियों ने भी फ़िलहाल मेकर्स को हिदायत दी है कि शूटिंग के दौरान सलमान को ज्यादा स्ट्रेस न दें। अब देखना ये है कि क्या सलमान सच में शो छोड़ते हैं?
'दबंग 3' और 'राधे' में भी दिखेंगे सलमान:'बिग बॉस 13' के अलावा सलमान 'दबंग 3' के प्रमोशन में व्यस्त हैं जो कि 20 दिसंबर को रिलीज हो रही है। इसके अलावा वह फिल्म राधे की भी शूटिंग कर रहे हैं जो कि अगले साल ईद के मौके पर रिलीज होगी।
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Arjun Kapoor: Looked for roles with boyish charm December 11, 2019 at 07:28AM
While history enthusiasts are enjoying the cinematic retelling of the 1761 battle in Panipat, Arjun Kapoor has moved on to a parallel universe. The actor has kicked off the shoot of the yet-untitled cross-border love story with co-star Rakul Preet Singh. Only a day into the Punjab schedule of the Nikkhil Advani-produced venture, Kapoor begins by joking that he is reporting to a "dynamic gundi Kaashvie Nair [director]. She is a don on set."
This year saw him front two intense movies in India's Most Wanted and the Ashutosh Gowariker-directed period drama — enough reason for him to attempt a change of pace with the dramedy. "It's my first Disney-esque film; it has got a glittery quality. I have always wanted to do a feel-good family movie," he says of the drama that also stars Neena Gupta and Kumud Mishra.
Arjun Kapoor with Rakul Preet Singh
His seven-year run at the movies has seen Kapoor try his hand at different genres. Though he was initially typecast as the angry hero, he soon flirted with the romantic boy image with offerings that included 2 States (2014) and Ki & Ka (2016). As he attempts another love story on screen, the actor explains that the trick is to evolve continually. "I don't choose films based on what type of movies are working [at the box office]. I try to retain my identity; I try not to ape the career trajectories of [my peers]. I started [my career] with a heartland romance with Ishaqzaade [2012]. Just because heartland romances are working [right now] doesn't mean I will go back to the genre. My image of a brooding, angsty man changed with 2 States. I am no longer an angry young man. I was looking for roles that have boyish charm. Ki & Ka and 2 States changed my on-screen persona. I dabble in every [genre] to ensure I don't stick to one mould."
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Sonakshi Sinha: I do get nervous before film's release December 11, 2019 at 07:13AM
Sonakshi Sinha understands that the fate of a film is not in one's hands and the audience is the final judge, but that doesn't deter her from getting nervous before the release of a new project. "Every film has its own journey in your life and holds importance. I do get nervous before a release, like anyone," Sonakshi told IANS when asked if she has the same amount of anxiety almost a decade later, as she had when her first film released.
"I learned quite early in my career to not take it too seriously since the fate of a film is not in your hands. You do your best and give your 100 percent and rest is up to the audience eventually," she added.
Sonakshi, daughter of actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha, entered Bollywood with Salman Khan's Dabangg in 2010. She credits Salman for making her realise her "true calling".
"Dabangg is what made me realise what my true calling is. I never thought I would end up being an actor till Salman told me that I am doing this film. But from Day one on set I knew this is where I belong. So the franchise is like a homecoming for me," she said.
Talking about her bond with Salman, the actress said: "My bond with him goes beyond a professional relationship of co-actors. I knew him before I started acting. Our families have known each other for a long time now, and I have known him more as a friend than a co-star."
After making a successful debut with Dabangg, she has starred in hits such as Rowdy Rathore, Lootera and Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty. However, many of her films like Tevar, Akira, Noor, Force 2 and Kalank fared below expectations, too.
She returns as Rajjo with Dabangg 3. Directed by Prabhu Deva, the Salman Khan-starrer also features Arbaaz Khan, Amole Gupte, Mahie Gill, and Tinnu Anand. Preity Zinta makes a special appearance, and the film marks the debut of actor-filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar's daughter Saiee Manjrekar. Dabangg 3 is scheduled to open on December 20.
Asked if she fears getting trapped in the Rajjo image, Sonakshi said: "Not at all! End of the day it was my first film and I take it in a positive stride that I made that kind of an impact on some."
Sonakshi says she has evolved as an artiste with experience. "I have been lucky enough to have worked on films from different genres enhancing my experience," she said. She is quite active on social media, and seems to have mastered the art of tackling trolls over the years. However, she admits he used to be affected by the trolls initially.
"I have now grown to let social media be a source of communication with me and my fans, conveying what I want," she said.
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Kartik Aaryan: Wasn't sure if I'd make it to film set December 11, 2019 at 07:11AM
From battling self-doubt to trying to convince producers that he was a bankable actor, Kartik Aaryan believes he has come a long way in his Bollywood career. Kartik says, for the longest time, he was identified as the "Punchnama boy" after his debut film.
"I wasn't a household name. I was known by my character's name or the guy who spoke very fast. I was also known as the 'monologue guy' (after his popular monologues in the 'Pyaar Ka Punchnama' series). But they weren't able to register 'Kartik' in their minds."
Sonu Ke Titu ki Sweety character got registered in the audience's mind to an extent that everyone wanted him in their home," Kartik said in an interview.
"Because producers didn't believe if they could make something with me, the financiers weren't excited. Reasons can be many. I have also matured with age. I was 20 when I did 'Punchnama'. Heroes aren't even launched at that age.
"'Sonu' brought me in the commercial actor zone, everyone's perspective changed after that. The biggest validation has come from my last film, Luka Chuppi. To deliver a hit after the success of 'Sonu...' was a big deal for me."
The 29-year-old actor says today he has reached a position where he can choose, unlike his earlier years when options didn't exist.
"The offers haven't stopped coming since Luka Chuppi. Earlier whatever I was offered, I had to choose from that. Today, there are so many options that I feel like doing everything."
Kartik, who played the lead in Pati Patni Aur Woh recently, believes his fans relate with his journey.
"I like the combination of 'masaala' and content is the reason why audience's relatalibity is increasing with me. Whether it's Sonu's character or the one in Pyar Ka Punchnama franchise, people feel I am one of them.
"They relate with me because they have seen my struggle and my journey and somewhere down the line, everyone relates to it. So, I think they get happy when they see I am doing films. They feel, 'Iska ghar chal raha hai," he adds.
Kartik will next be seen in the sequels of Love Aaj Kal, Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Dostana. But the actor does not believe stardom has changed things around him much, except the lack of time.
"Till two years ago, I had so much time in life that I could go for coffee, dinners with people and now even 24 hours feel less. That lack of time makes people around me think I have changed. So, a lot of my time goes in explaining them that it's not the case.
"There was a time when I wasn't even sure if I would be able to make it to any film set and now, I was shooting for Dostana 2 and also promoting Pati Patni Aur Woh simultaneously. I never imagined this scenario. I want to remain busy all the time."
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This actress inspired Shivaleeka Oberoi to become an actress December 11, 2019 at 07:08AM
Bebo's iconic character Poo from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham has been an inspiration to many young actors and debutant Shivaleeka Oberoi is one of them. Having seen the movie 18 years ago, Shivaleeka remembers strutting around the house with a dupatta swung around her shoulder. She would attempt to speak in the same tone that Kareena Kapoor used in the movie and throw a very Poo attitude. Thankfully, Shivaleeka's family knew of the young one's undying love for the big star and let her be at it. "My family used to be amused at all the drama I used to make. Poo was my favourite character and I would love to prance around thinking I am Kareena," said Shivaleeka.
In fact, this debutante also auditioned for the role of Geet in Jab We Met just so that she could share screen space with the actress. Geet's Main Apni Favorite Hu had even become a part of my lingo at one point and I was thrilled when I was asked to perform that in my audition for Yeh Saali Aashiqui. She has built what many of us are working towards and she is proof that talent rules this industry!” adds Shivaleeka.
Incidentally, Shivaleeka is the only actress who bagged her second movie even before her first one released. Yeh Saali Aashiqui, her first movie released a few days ago and she is already shooting for her second film Khuda Haafiz in Uzbekistan. "Am enjoying every bit of shooting for movies and I owe it to Kareena Kapoor for making me dream that I could become one. Her persona, her talent, and her unapologetic attitude have always made me confident," added Shivaleeka.
Even today Shivaleeka makes it point to read and watch all of Kareena Kapoor's interviews. Shivaleeka has seen all of Kareena's movies and some of them, watched more than 5 times. Shivaleeka also likes Kareena's style of dressing and looks up to her in every aspect.
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Kriti Sanon on Mimi: It is very entertaining, a beautiful script December 11, 2019 at 07:04AM
Actress Kriti Sanon, who is currently busy shooting for Mimi, expresses excitement about the film. The film has an unusual story by Bollywood standards. It casts Kriti as a young surrogate mother. "I am very excited. It's based on the subject of surrogacy but actually it's the story of this young girl who wants to be an actor. She's a dancer in Mandawa and she ends up being a surrogate for the couple. Then, the things that follow change her life and also change her as a person," Kriti told IANS.
She added, "It's a lot on me. It's around this character Mimi. It is very entertaining, a beautiful script. One of the most beautiful scripts I have read. You will have a lot of humour and situational humour. At the same time, there are a lot of characters you will take back home." The film is directed by Luka Chuppi fame Laxman Utekar.
"We've shot 40 per cent of the film. It's based in Mandawa, Rajasthan. I think you realise that you are excited and passionate about a project when you end up narrating the story to every person around," she laughed.
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