"Sarfira," starring Akshay Kumar and directed by Sudha Kongara, experienced a surge at the box office, collecting Rs 38 lakh on Tuesday, partly due to promotional offers. Despite positive reviews, the film's total collection stands at Rs 21.85 crore, with an expected final tally of Rs 25 crore. Akshay's upcoming projects include "Khel Khel Mein," "Sky Force," and a cameo in "Singham Again."
Actors from the critically acclaimed series ‘The Crown’ have been making waves in the entertainment industry, for their impeccable portrayals of British royalty. From Emma Corrin to Matt Smith, Vanessa Kirby and Olivia Colman, here's a list of actors who have gone from Buckingham Palace, straight into the multiverse and beyond in some of the biggest Marvel movies and web series.