Friday, July 17, 2020

नानावटी में भर्ती ऐश्वर्या-आराध्या की हालत में सुधार, दोनों को अमिताभ-अभिषेक वाली वीआईपी विंग में शिफ्ट किया गया July 17, 2020 at 08:35PM

शुक्रवार देर रातमुंबई के नानावटी हॉस्पिटल में भर्ती ऐश्वर्या राय और उनकी बेटी आराध्या को आइसोलेशन वार्ड की उसी वीआईपी विंग में शिफ्ट कर दिया गया है, जहां उनके ससुर अमिताभ बच्चन और पति अभिषेक बच्चन का इलाज चल रहा है। सूत्रों से मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक, अस्पताल लाते वक्त ऐश्वर्या को तेज और आराध्या को हल्का बुखार था। हालांकि, अब दोनों की हालत में सुधार बताया जा रहा है।

इलाजके बाद बुखार कम हुआ

सूत्र ने बताया कि अस्पताल में ट्रीटमेंट देने के बाद ऐश्वर्या का बुखार कम हुआ है और उनके गले का इन्फेक्शन भी पहले से बेहतर है। उनकी हालत स्थिर है। दूसरी ओर आराध्या का बुखार लगभग चला गया है। दोनों को आइसोलेशन वार्ड में डॉ. बर्वे और डॉ. अंसारीकी निगरानी में रखा गया है। ये दोनों डॉक्टर ही लंबे समय से बच्चन परिवार के मेडिकल कंसल्टेंट हैं।

शुक्रवार को बिगड़ी थी ऐश्वर्या-आराध्या की तबीयत

ऐश्वर्या और आराध्या बीते रविवार (12 जुलाई) कोविड पॉजिटिव पाई गई थीं। हालांकि, उनमें हल्के लक्षण थे और उन्होंने किसी भी तरह की परेशानी से इनकार किया था। उन्हें उस समय न तो बुखार आया और न ही सांस लेने में तकलीफ थी। इसलिए कोविड-19 के क्वारैंटाइन नियमों के अनुसार उन्हें घर पर ही रखने का फैसला किया गया था।

शुक्रवार को अचानक दोनों की तबीयत बिगड़ने लगी तो परिवार चिंता में पड़ गया और उन्हें अस्पताल में भर्ती कराने का फैसला किया गया। शाम करीब 6 बजे पहले आराध्या को अस्पताल ले जाया गया। इसके बाद 8:30 बजे ऐश्वर्या को। ऐश्वर्या को सांस लेने में भी तकलीफ बताई जा रही थी, ऐसे मेंउनका सीटी स्कैन किया गया था।

लक्षणों के हिसाब से बच्चन परिवार

  • एंटीजन टेस्ट में बीते शनिवार को पॉजिटिव पाए गए अमिताभ में कोराना के हल्के लक्षण थे। उन्हें बुखार भी था और उनका ऑक्सीजन लेवल भी गिरा हुआ था।
  • अभिषेक बच्चन पूरी तरह से एसिम्प्टोमैटिक पाए गए और उनके लक्षण जाहिर नहीं हुए। इसके बावजूद एहतियातन वे अस्पताल में भर्ती हो गए।
  • बीते रविवार को ऐश्वर्या और आराध्या के लक्षण भी एसिम्प्टोमैटिक थे और उन्हें कोई परेशानी नहीं थी। पूरे परिवार में सिर्फ जया ही दो बार टेस्ट में निगेटिव पाई गईं।
  • जया के अलावा अमिताभ की बेटी श्वेता, उनकी नातिन नव्या नंदा और नाती अगस्त्य नंदा की रिपोर्ट निगेटिव आई थी। साथ ही उनके 26 स्टाफ मेंबर्स की स्वाब टेस्ट रिपोर्ट भी निगेटिव आई थी।

आज अस्पताल में अमिताभ-अभिषेक का 8वां दिन

अमिताभ और अभिषेक को अस्पताल में भर्ती हुए 7 दिन बीत चुके हैं। बीते शनिवार हल्के लक्षण दिखने के बाद 77 साल के अमिताभ को नानावटी हॉस्पिटल में भर्ती किया गया था।44 साल के अभिषेक खुद कार चलाकर उन्हें हॉस्पिटल ले गए थे। दोनों ने अपने कोविड पॉजिटिव होने की जानकारी ट्विटर पर साझा की थी।

अमिताभ ने लिखा था, ‘‘मैं कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाया गया हूं। अस्पताल में भर्ती हो चुका हूं। मेरे परिवार और स्टाफ के लोगों का टेस्ट हुआ है। उनकी रिपोर्ट का इंतजार है। पिछले 10 दिनों में मेरे संपर्क में आने वाले सभी लोगों से गुजारिश है कि वे अपना टेस्ट कराएं।’’

इसी तरह अभिषेक ने भी पिता और अपने कोविड पॉजिटिव होने की खबर फैन्स को दी थी और पैनिक न होने की अपील भी की थी। उन्होंने लिखा था, ‘‘आज हम दोनों, मेरे पिता और मैं कोविड 19 पॉजिटिव पाए गए हैं। हम दोनों को हल्के लक्षण थे, जिसके बाद हम अस्पताल में भर्ती हो गए हैं। हमने सभी जरूरी अथॉरिटीज को जानकारी दे दी है और हमारे परिवार औरस्टॉफ के सदस्यों का टेस्ट कराया जा रहा है। मैं सभी से शांत रहने और पैनिक न फैलाने की गुजारिश करता हूं। धन्यवाद।’’

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अमिताभ, अभिषेक, ऐश्वर्या और आराध्या नानावटी हॉस्पिटल में भर्ती हैं, जबकि जया बच्चन की रिपोर्ट निगेटिव आने के बाद घर में ही आइसोलेट किया गया है।

सुशांत को ट्रिब्यूट देना चाहती हैं एक्स-गर्लफ्रेंड अंकिता लोखंडे, एकता कपूर को पवित्र रिश्ता शो का दूसरा सीजन बनाने के लिए किया अप्रोच July 17, 2020 at 08:34PM

सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की मौत को एक महीने से ऊपर बीत चुका है लेकिन उनके करीबी अभी भी उनके जाने के गम से उबर नहीं पाए हैं। सुशांत की एक्स-गर्लफ्रेंड अंकिता लोखंडे का भी यही हाल है।

वह उन्हें ट्रिब्यूट देना चाहती हैं तभी उन्होंने एकता कपूर को अप्रोच किया है। दरअसल, अंकिता ने एकता से बात कर यह इच्छा जताई है कि वह सीरियल पवित्र रिश्ता का दूसरा सीजनबनाएं।

अंकिता का मानना है कि पवित्र रिश्ता सुशांत के दिल के बेहद करीब था। इसी शो से उनके करियर को नई ऊंचाई मिली थी। ऐसे मेंअगर शो का दूसरा सीजन बनाया जाए तो सुशांत के लिएइससे बेहतर ट्रिब्यूट कुछ नहीं होगा।

एकता ने मानी बात: रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक,एकता को अंकिता काआइडिया पसंद आया है। उन्होंने अपनी राइटर टीम के साथ शो के दूसरे सीजन को लेकर ब्रेनस्टॉर्मिंग शुरू कर दी है। वह पर्सनली इस प्रोजेक्ट में इंटरेस्ट लेकर यह देख रही हैं कि दूसरे सीजन में शो को कैसे आगे बढ़ाया जाए।एकता इससे पहले हम पांच, कसौटी जिंदगी के और नागिन जैसे सुपरहिट शोज के सीक्वल बना चुकी हैं।

2009 में प्रसारित हुआ था शो: पवित्र रिश्ता में सुशांत ने मानव तो अंकिता ने अर्चना की भूमिका निभाई थी। दोनों ने मिडिल क्लास कपल की जद्दोजहद को इतनी सादगी से छोटे परदे पर उतारा था कि शो सुपरहिट साबित हुआ। इस शो के कुल 1424 एपिसोड प्रसारित हुए थे और अंतिम एपिसोड 25 अक्टूबर 2014 को प्रसारित हुआ था।

शो के दौरान ही करीब आए थे सुशांत-अंकिता: सुशांत और अंकिता की नजदीकियां भी इसी शो के दौरान बढ़ी थीं। वह तकरीबन छह साल रिलेशनशिप में रहे थे लेकिन 2016 में दोनों का ब्रेकअप हो गया था।

शो के बाद सुशांत को बॉलीवुड में अभिषेक कपूर की काय पो छे से ब्रेक मिल गया था। वहीं, अंकिता टेलीविजन पर ही एक्टिव रहीं। उन्हें अपना बॉलीवुड ब्रेक 2019 में मणिकर्णिका: द क्वीन ऑफ झांसी से मिला था। इसके बाद वह फिल्म बागी 3 में भी नजर आईं।

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Ankita Lokhande approaches Ekta Kapoor to make Pavitra Rishta 2 as tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput

Bhumi pens a heartwarming note on her B'day July 17, 2020 at 08:19PM

Bhumi Pednekar turned a year older today. Since morning, the fans of the 'Saand Ki Aankh' actress have taken to their social media handles to wish her. Recently, she took to her Instagram handle to share pictures of the midnight birthday celebrations and you can't miss it. Along with the photos, Bhumi penned a heartfelt note.

Arjun & Gabriella reveal son Arik's face July 17, 2020 at 07:40PM

Arjun Rampal and his ladylove Gabriella Demetriades' son Arik Rampal turned a year old today. On this special occasion, the actor took to his social media to reveal his face. The couple often shared photos of their son on Instagram, be it vacays or special days but have made it a point to never post a picture of his face.

Highest-grossing films of PC at box office July 17, 2020 at 06:30PM

Ankita Lokhande and Ekta Kapoor to work on Pavitra Rishta sequel as a tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput July 17, 2020 at 05:36PM

Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput got his big break in television with Ekta Kapoor's show Pavitra Rishta. He was paired opposite actress Ankita Lokhande in the show. With nearly 1500 episodes, it was one of the most popular shows back then and made Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande a household name. 

Ankita Lokhande and Ekta Kapoor to work on Pavitra Rishta sequel as a tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput

According to reports, Ankita Lokhande has now approached Ekta Kapoor with the idea of making a sequel to the show in memory of Sushant Singh Rajput. The show was close to the late actor as it gave his talent a platform. Reportedly, both Ekta and Ankita feel that a sequel will be the best tribute to the deceased actor. 

Ekta will be sitting down with her writers and exploring on how to take the daily soap forward. The casting for the same will begin once the logistics are in place. 

ALSO READ: Ekta Kapoor sets up a mental health awareness fund in the memory of Sushant Singh Rajput, calls it the Pavitra Rishta Fund

Ananya's happy photo will make your day July 17, 2020 at 05:44PM

Ananya Panday is very active on social media. The diva often shares pictures from her photoshoots, film sets, selfies and more. Recently, she took to her Instagram handle to share a perfect sunkissed picture and you can't miss it!

5 times PC stunned us with her saree looks July 17, 2020 at 05:00PM

Sara pens a Thank you note for Taapsee July 17, 2020 at 05:14PM

Taapsee Pannu impressed her fans with her amazing performances in 2019. Be it 'Badla', 'Misson Mangal' or 'Saand Ki Aankh'. Amid lcodkwon, she started sharing a series of throwback pictures from the sets of her films. Recently, she took to her Instagram to share a seflie clicked on the sets of 'Badla'.

Adorable childhood pics of Priyanka Chopra July 17, 2020 at 04:52PM

Top 5 stylish avatars of B'day girl Bhumi July 17, 2020 at 04:30PM

Justin Bieber wins first round of $20 million lawsuit to subpoena Twitter to find identities of 2 women who accused him of sexual assault July 17, 2020 at 04:00PM

Back in June 2020, singer Justin Bieber was accused of sexual assault by two Twitter users on social media. He then publicly released a series of hotel receipts and email screenshots to address the sexual assault allegations made against him which were shared on Twitter on June 20 by an anonymous user.

Justin Bieber wins first round of $20 million lawsuit to subpoena Twitter to find identities of 2 women who accused him of sexual assault

On July 17, he has won the first round of the defamation suit and his lawyers will be able to subpoena Twitter in order to learn the identities of the women behind the Twitter handle that accused of alleged sexual assault. According to NBC News, Bieber‘s lawyer, Evan N. Spiegel, told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Terry Green that “We just want to uncover who is behind these two accounts and it may be the same person.”

On June 25, Bieber filed a $20 million lawsuit against two women. According to Pitchfork, the suit claims the Twitter users "fraudulently schemed to seek attention and fame by maliciously posting despicable, blatantly false, fabricated, defamatory accusations that Justin Bieber engaged in sexual assault.”

It further stated that “it is abundantly clear that these two individuals are trying to capitalize on the climate of fear permeating the entertainment industry.”

ALSO READ: Justin Bieber files $20 million lawsuit against two women who accused him of sexual assault

Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling set to star in Russo Brothers' $200 million budget spy thriller Gray Man  July 17, 2020 at 03:30PM

Russo Brothers are set for yet another action-packed film for Netflix after this year's mega-film Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth. This time, the film will be helmed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo. Netflix has set its most ambitious film so far starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling in the lead roles. Titled Gray Man, the movie is based on the 2009 Mark Greaney novel about a freelance assassin and former CIA operative named Court Gentry.

Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling set to star in Russo Brothers' $200 million budget spy thriller Gray Man 

It will be the most expensive film coming from Netflix set over a budget of $200 million. According to Deadline, "The action thriller is a deadly duel between killers as Gentry (Gosling) is hunted across the globe by Lloyd Hansen (Evans), a former cohort of Gentry’s at the CIA. The Gray Man turned into a bestselling book series, and the expectation is that Gosling will continue in multiple installments. The project was developed years back at New Regency as a Brad Pitt/James Gray vehicle, but it stalled. The Russos quietly have been developing it for years."

“The movie is a real mano a mano between those two great actors who represent two different versions of the CIA, in what it can be, and what it can do,” Anthony Russo told Deadline. “For those who were fans of Captain America: Winter Soldier, this is us moving into that territory in more of a real-world setting. That’s what this movie really means for us.”

Speaking of film's mega-scale, Joe Russo further said, “The intention is for it to be competitive with any theatrical, and the ability to do with Gosling and Evans is a dream for us. The idea is to create a franchise and build out a whole universe, with Ryan at the center of it. We have all committed to the first movie, and that’s got to be great to get us to the second movie. These are master assassins, and Gosling’s characters get burned by the CIA, and Evans’ character has to hunt him down. We have a great working relationship with Netflix, and we go back almost 20 years with Scott Stuber. We formed AGBO to be an agnostic storytelling company, where we figure out the best platform. We think Netflix is the perfect place for this film.”

Gray Man will mark the reunion of Russo Brothers and Chris Evans. They directed films for Marvel Studios including 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2016's Captain America: Civil War, 2018's Avengers: Infinity War, and 2019's Avengers: Endgame.

Their production company AGBO will produce an ambitious project. Joe Russo penned the script, with Endgame screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely taking the final call.

ALSO READ: Avengers stars Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo send sweet messages to a young boy who saved his sister from dog attack

R Madhavan responds to lighten skin question July 16, 2020 at 09:56PM

R Madhavan has been acing the social media game. From posting fun throwback clicks to doling out witty responses to fans, the actor sure knows how to keep everyone entertained in the digital world. As standard 10 results were announced recently, the actor had shared his score with a fun throwback clicks. A netizen asked the actor on the post, “I really appreciate you being honest about your marks. Just using this opportunity to ask, since it’s quite visible from this old pic as well, what product or procedure you used to lighten your skin ? Genuine interested in knowing the secret. Thank you.”

Deepika oozes elegance in Fanart Friday post July 16, 2020 at 09:41PM

It's Friday and Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, like always took to social media to share another brilliant fan-made art. She has been keeping her fans on their toes with her social media posts and this one is sure to grab your attention as Deepika is oozing elegance and royalty in her 'Fanart Friday' post.

Ranbir Kapoor on not being on social media July 16, 2020 at 09:38PM

In a throwback interview with Filmfare, Ranbir Kapoor reportedly said that he might not have an active account but he is busy stalking people. He also added that it is fun doing that.

Jaaved share old pics of his late father July 16, 2020 at 09:37PM

Today, Jaaved Jaaferi took to his Twitter handle and shared a few old pictures with his father Jagdeep which also features Naved Jafri. In one of the pictures, they can be seen striking a pose with their father in a black and white picture.

Celebs spreading love through their outfits July 16, 2020 at 09:21PM

Fashion is an important part of Bollywood and from time to time celebrities have used their style statement for several social causes. For instance, to spread the universal message of love through their outfits. From heart printed ensemble to slogan tees to even heart-shaped accessories, the stars of the tinsel town have experimented with all to prove their support on love. On that note, here’s a list of celebrities spreading the message of love through their outfits.

Kartik is overwhelmed seeing his posters July 16, 2020 at 09:18PM

Kartik Aaryan was in for a happy surprise when a fan shared a glimpse of her bedroom that was full of his posters. Photos of the actor adorned walls of the female fan, who loving gazed at the national heartthrob. Overwhelmed with love, Kartik Aaryan expressed his happiness by reposting the picture on Instagram and appreciating the love of his fans.

Bhumi extends support to Rhea Chakraborty July 16, 2020 at 09:04PM

Rhea Chakraborty broke her silence a month after Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise. She exposed a troll who threatened her with rape and murder on social media and had shared, “Do you realize the seriousness of what you have said? These are crimes, and by law no one, I repeat NO ONE should be subjected to this kind of toxicity and harassment.”

Urvashi Rautela charging Rs. 7 crore for Virgin Bhanupriya a hoax? July 16, 2020 at 09:00PM

One doesn’t know where the story of Urvashi Rautela getting Rs 7 crores for her new online film Virgin Bhanupriya comes from. Certainly not from the film’s producers. Sorry to say, this is fake news, manufactured by those who stand to gain from spreading such rumours of fee(l) goodness.

We asked sources close to the film and they couldn’t stop laughing. “7 crores for Ms Rautela? That sounds more like the budget of the film than her fee. No seriously, her fee is a fraction of that amount.”

Another source from the trade describes this as the film industry’s Inflated Fee Syndrome. “Plant stories of getting unimaginable amounts of remuneration hoping some of it will stick.”

Also Read: Urvashi Rautela seems to miss the beach life, shares picture posing in an orange bikini

Aadar Jain starrer Hello Charlie produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani resumes shooting July 16, 2020 at 08:22PM

Hello Charlie starring Aadar Jain has gone on floors. It has become one of the first Bollywood films to roll after the restrictions being lifted from the lockdown. As per reports, the Farhan Akhtar - Ritesh Sidhwani production kick stared shooting on July 16 with a song shoot at Vrundavan studio in Madh Island.

Aadar Jain starrer Hello Charlie produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani resumes shooting

Apparently, before the lockdown was announced, the film was almost complete. The only part remaining was the patchwork shoot for the song. The unit reportedly began shooting yesterday keeping the safety guidelines in check with 15 dancers at an indoor set.

As the safety protocols are very important, the makers have built a sanitization tunnel at the entrance of the set. The team has been provided with gloves, masks, and PPE kits for the three day shoot.

Aadar Jain made his debut in 2017 with Yash Raj Films' Qaidi Band.

Also Read: Watch: Aadar Jain’s rumoured girlfriend actress Tara Sutaria performs opera for Armaan and Anissa

"If there's a bio-pic, I will play myself”, says Sonu Sood July 16, 2020 at 08:16PM

Sonu Sood is all set to chronicle the story of the incredible happenings in his life during the past few months. The yet untitled book to be published by Penguin will give Sonu a chance to re-live his entire experience with migrants who during the lockdown were reached home by Sonu, in buses, on trains and on flights.

"If there's a bio-pic, I will play myself”, says Sonu Sood

Says Sonu, “Luckily it’s all recorded, all the data and information on when the migrants left for which city, which village and in what numbers is filed away. Thank God for the computer. Otherwise it’d have been impossible for me to remember any of what has happened with me in the past few months.”

Sonu is all set to bring out a book on the experience. “It’s a life-changing experience. Nothing I did before that (reaching the migrants to their homes) comes even close. This is the experience that I’d wish to happen to me over and over again.”

The yet-untitled book will detail Sonu’s experiences and his emotional attachment to each and every one of those migrants whom he helped reach home during these troubled times.

A film is also being planned in his experiences. Sonu says only he will play the lead in this film. “Who knows the experiences that I’ve gone through better than me? I’ve lived every moment of those experiences.”

Also Read: Sonu Sood to share his experience of helping migrants reach home during the COVID lockdown through a book

Hollywood 'curses' many believe are true July 16, 2020 at 08:37PM

Shekhar praises Rhea for asking CBI probe July 16, 2020 at 08:41PM

Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who committed suicide on 14th June in his Mumbai apartment has left everyone in shock. His untimely death has started an uproar on social media with all requesting a CBI probe in the suicide case. Meanwhile, veteran Bollywood actor Shekhar Suman praised his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty for coming out in open and requesting a probe.

Nikhil planning film based on Mamta Kulkarni? July 16, 2020 at 08:46PM

‘Dabangg 3’ and ‘Veere Di Wedding’ producer Nikhil Dwivedi has reportedly acquired the rights to Bilal Siddiqui’s book, ‘The Stardust Affair’. The book is loosely based on the eventful life of actress Mamta Kulkarni.

Fans celebrate 5 years of Bajrangi Bhaijaan July 16, 2020 at 08:36PM

Today, the Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Harshali Malhotra starrer ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ has clocked five years and fans are celebrating it on social media.

Black Adam ropes in Noah Centineo as Atom Smasher in Dwayne Johnson starrer July 16, 2020 at 07:51PM

Back in 2019, Dwayne Johnson announced that he will don the supervillain suit in DC Universe's next project Black Adam. The project is New Line's Shazam! spinoff. With that being said, the makers have found their Atom Smasher in Netflix's To All The Boys I've Loved Before breakout star, Noah Centineo.

Black Adam ropes in Noah Centineo as Atom Smasher in Dwayne Johnson starrer

According to The Hollywood Reporter, "Centineo will play Atom Smasher, a character who can control his molecular structure and is able to manipulate his size and strength. The character has appeared onscreen before, in an episode of The CW’s The Flash."

Noah Centineo grew up on Nickelodeon and Disney shows. He starred in Freeform show The Fosters. He had his breakout role as Peter Kavinsky in Netflix rom-com To All The Boys I've Loved Before. He went onto star in Sierra Burgess Is A Loser.  The second part in the franchise To All The Boys: PS I Love You released earlier this year.

Black Adam was supposed to appear in Shazam! last year which starred Zachary Levi. But, it was cut from the film. It will reunite Dwayne Johnson with Jungle Cruise director Jaume Collet-Serra. It is scheduled to release on December 22, 2021.

Also Read: The Batman, Black Adam, Wonder Woman 1984 among others scheduled for DC FanDome 

Mohit Malik’s next show to be a love story July 16, 2020 at 07:49PM

Actor Mohit Malik, who has done some back to back male-dominated roles on Indian television, is all set to return with Rashami Sharma’s upcoming show on Star Plus based on a couple and their marriage turmoil during the lockdown.  Our source informs us, “Mohit is known for his acting and so the channel and the makers were very keen on him for the lead role. In fact, no Plan B was even considered and while there are other names floating in the market, the truth is that Mohit was the only name considered for the show.’”

Mohit Malik’s next show to be a love story

In the past, Mohit has said in interviews that he wants to do a romantic show and while the actor was seen playing an estranged father in his precious show and an obsessive lover in the one before that, it’s the first time he will be seen in a lighter-hearted, less serious role.  We tried reaching out to the actor but he remained unavailable for comments.

More details pertaining to the show are yet to be revealed. How excited are you to see Mohit Malik make a comeback?

"My next is with Ayushmann Khurrana" - Anubhav Sinha July 16, 2020 at 07:42PM

The super-choosy Ayushmann Khurrana has made up his mind about his next project. He is teaming up with his Article 15 director Anubhav Sinha for another hard-hitting political drama. While Sinha confirms his second collaboration with Khurrana he refuses to divulge any information on the content of the proposed film.

My next is with Ayushmann Khurrana - Anubhav Sinha

But it can be safely divulged that the Sinha - Khurrana partnership this time would be even more intense, politically relevant and hard-hitting. “Anubhav Sinha plans to go into a contemporary subject about present-day politics which normally other filmmakers would shy away from. But then Anubhav has lost his fear of flying. He is willing to go anywhere with his cinema,” says a friend of Sinha.

Many including this writer consider Article 15 to be the best film of Ayushmann Khurrana’s career. After two back-to-back disappointments, Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan and Gulabo Sitabo, Khurrana needs to get back into shape. And what better onscreen architect of renovation than Anubhav Sinha who has gone from Tum Bin to Mulk in a span of two decades.

Also Read: Anubhav Sinha says nepotism has become a fashionable word to use