Tuesday, July 21, 2020

दिल बेचारा की शूटिंग के दौरान सुशांत सिंह राजपूत पर लगे थे मीटू के आरोप, संजना सांघी ने अब दी सफाई, बोलीं- हम अपना-अपना सच जानते थे July 21, 2020 at 08:37PM

सुशांत सिंह राजपूत के सुसाइड ने फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में कोहराम मचा दिया। उनकी मौत कई अनसुलझे सवाल छोड़ गई जिसके जवाब अब तक नहीं मिल सके हैं। इसी बीच सुशांत की आखिरी फिल्म दिल बेचारा 24 जुलाई को ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म पर रिलीज हो रही है।

मेकिंग के दौरान यह फिल्म भी कम विवादों में नहीं रही थी। जब शूटिंग चल रही थी तो कई खबरें सामने आईं कि लीड एक्ट्रेस संजना सांघी ने सुशांत सिंह राजपूत और डायरेक्टर मुकेश छाबड़ा पर मीटू मूवमेंट के तहत बदसलूकी और सेक्सुअल हैरेसमेंट के आरोप लगाए।

संजना ने बाद में इन खबरों का खंडन करते हुए सुशांत और मुकेश को क्लीनचिट दे दी थी। फिल्म रिलीज के मौके पर उन्होंने एक इंटरव्यू में इस मुद्दे पर खुलकर बात की है और इस मामले पर सफाई भी दी है।

सुशांत के साथ मैं भी परेशान थी-संजना

संजना ने पिंकविला से बातचीत में कहा, सब यह सोचते हैं कि सुशांत ही इस बात से दुखी हुए थे लेकिन मैं भी बराबर परेशान थी। हम अपना-अपनासच जानते थे-सुशांत जानते थे कि वो मेरे लिए क्या मायने रखते थे और मैं जानती थी हमारी बॉन्डिंग कैसी थीऔर यही बात बेहद जरूरी भी थी। हम हर दिन शूटिंग कर रहे थे। जब एक-दो आर्टिकल सामने आए तो हमने इन्हें तवज्जो नहीं दी और इनपर ध्यान नहीं दिया। लेकिन जब हर तरफ यही खबरें चलने लगीं जो कि आधारहीन थी तो मुझे इन्हें लिखने वाले लोगों और इनपर विश्वास करने वालों के लिए कोई रिस्पेक्ट नहीं बचा।

हमारी बॉन्डिंग पर नहीं पड़ा कोई असर-संजना

संजना ने आगे कहा, इन सब बातों का सुशांत और मेरी बॉन्डिंग पर कोई असर नहीं पड़ा। हमारा इंटेंशन बस यही था कि लोगों को सच पर भरोसा कैसे दिलाएं?

सोचिए कैसा लगता होगा जब दो लोग जो एक-दूसरे का इतना सम्मान करते हैं, उन्हें इस तरह की बातों पर सफाई देनी पड़े? हम यही सोचते थे कि सच को साबित कैसे करें? तब सुशांत ने एक तरकीब निकाली और उन्होंने मेरी और उनकी बातचीत के स्क्रीनशॉट सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करने की परमिशन मुझसे मांगी। मैंने कहा, बिलकुल ऐसा कीजिए, सुशांत बोले-हो सकता है इससे कुछ मदद मिल जाए। पर्सनल जानकारी को इस तरह सबके सामने लाना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण था लेकिन इसके अलावा हमारे पास कोई रास्ता नहीं बचा था।

सुशांत ने हमारी बातचीत के स्क्रीनशॉट सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर कर उनपर लगे सेक्सुअल हैरेसमेंट के आरोपों को झुठलाने की कोशिश की लेकिन यह तरकीब भी काम नहीं आई।

संजना ने 2018 में भी दी थी सफाई

इसके बाद संजना ने 2018 में सोशल मीडिया पर एक पोस्ट लिखकर सफाई देते हुए कहा था,मैं यह बात साफ कर देना चाहती हूं कि मेरे साथ बदसलूकी और सेक्सुअल हैरेसमेंट जैसी कोई घटना नहीं हुई थी। इन सभी आधारहीन खबरों पर अब विराम लगाइए।

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Sanjana Sanghi clarify MeToo allegations against Sushant Singh Rajput

सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को न्याय दिलाने के लिए होगा शांतिपूर्ण प्रदर्शन, सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी के वकील ईशकरण ने की नई पहल July 21, 2020 at 08:35PM

सुशांत सिंह मामले में भाजपा सासंद सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी को खत लिखकरसीबीआई जांच की मांग की है और इसके लिए वकील ईशकरण सिंह भंडारी को भी नियुक्त कर लिया है। अब वकील ईशकरण ने सुशांत के फैंस से उनको न्याय दिलाने के लिए शांतिपूर्ण प्रदर्शन कर दिए जलाने की अपील की है।

इस बात की जानकारी देते हुए ईशकरण ने ट्विटर पर लिखा, 'ये निर्णय लिया गया है कि आज मेरे यूट्यूब लाइव के दौरान सुशांत को न्याय दिलाने वाले शांतिपूर्ण प्रदर्शन करेंगे और मोमबत्ती जलाएंगे। #Candle4SSR हैशटैग का इस्तेमाल करें, रात 8 बजे 22 जुलाई। इसके साथ ईशकरण ने लोगों से उन्हें तस्वीरों में टैग करने की अपील की है जिससे वो खुद इन्हें रीट्वीट कर सकें'।

कमिश्नर को लिखा था घर सील करवाने के लिए खत

सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी द्वारा नियुक्त किए जाने के बाद ईशकरण ने मुंबई के पुलिस कमिश्नर परमबीर सिंह को खत लिखा था। इसमें वकील ने उनके घर और वहां से मिले सामान को अच्छी तरह सील करने की मांग की है। कुछ मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक सुशांत का घर सील नहीं किया गया है और पुलिस द्वारा भी इसकी घोषणा नहीं की गई थी।


सेलेब्स के नाम दुबई के डॉन से जुड़े हैंः सुब्रमण्यम

भाजपा के सांसद सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी को चिट्‌ठी मेंलिखा था कि, 'मेरे वकील ईशकरण भंडारी ने सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की मौत पर कुछ रिसर्च की है।मैंने मुंबई के अपने सूत्रों से सुना है कि इस मामले में बॉलीवुड के कई बड़े नाम दुबई के डॉन से जुडे़ हुए हैं। इसे पुलिस जांच के जरिए कवर-अप करना चाहते हैं ताकि इसे अपनी मर्जी से की गई खुदकुशी साबित किया जा सके। महाराष्ट्र सरकार के पास ऐसे कई बड़े लोगों का दबाव है, जिससे यह साबित हो जाएगा कि मिस्टर राजपूत ने खुदकुशी की है'।


सोशल मीडिया में हर दिन फैंस सुशांत को न्याय दिलाने के लिए नए-नए हैशटैग ट्रेंड करवा रहे हैं। सिर्फ फैंस ही नहीं बल्कि कुछ बड़ी हस्तियां रिया चक्रवर्ती, रूपा गांगुली, सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी और शेखर सुमन भीमामले में सीबीआई जांच करवाने के पक्ष में हैं।

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Sushant Singh Rajput fans will do peaceful protest to get justice and cbi inquiry, Subramanian Swamy's lawyer Ishakaran takes a new initiative

SSR's lookalike's Insta handle hacked July 21, 2020 at 07:44PM

Sushant Singh Rajput's lookalike Sachin Tiwari’s official Instagram handle has been hacked. He has taken to his new account and informed his fans about the same.

‘Hungama 2’ shooting to wrap up by Sept July 21, 2020 at 07:49PM

Priyadarshan revealed that the child artists are aged between 8 to 11 and in the past four months of lockdown, they have grown. To maintain the continuity in the film, he wants to finish shooting by September.

Sanjay Dutt wishes Maanayata on bday July 21, 2020 at 07:40PM

Today, Sanjay Dutt's wife Maanayata Dutt is celebrating her birthday today. She is currently in Dubai with her daughter, Iqra Dutt and son, Shahraan Dutt. They have been away from the actor for months now due to the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown. On her special day, the actor took to his Instagram handle to pen a sweet post for his wifey and fans can't get enough of them!

Sanjay Leela Bhansali introduces new actor opposite Alia Bhatt in Gangubai Kathiawadi July 21, 2020 at 06:57PM

Alia Bhatt’s romantic lead in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi is 29-year old Shantanu Maheshwari who makes his large-screen debut with this big break. Shantanu who is a trained dancer from Kolkata got his first major break in Mumbai on television in Dil Dosti Dance where he played the lead for two years. He has been seen in various other dance and reality shows as too a number of fictional series.

Sanjay Leela Bhansali introduces new actor opposite Alia Bhatt in Gangubai Kathiawadi

Sources say Bhansali saw Shantanu on a reality show and immediately saw star potential in him. Shantanu was called by Bhansali’s office and that’s how such a prestigious screen debut fell into the young entertainer’s lap.

The epic filmmaker intends to introduce Shantanu to the audience in a big way.

Earlier in Saawariya, Bhansali introduced Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor. In Malaal which Bhansali produced, he introduced Meezaan Jaffrey and Sharmin Segal. And earlier in Black he introduced the stunning Ayesha Kapoor.

Also Read: No intimacy for Alia Bhatt in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi

Deepika Padukone charges Rs. 20 cr to feature in the Prabhas starrer; becomes the highest paid actress July 21, 2020 at 06:54PM

It’s not been easy getting Deepika Padukone on board for the new Prabhas starrer to be produced by Priyanka Dutta. According to sources in the know, Deepika put up a “very strong resistance”. But the producers were keen to have her on board and they made her an offer she couldn’t resist.

Deepika Padukone charges Rs. 20 cr to feature in the Prabhas starrer; becomes the highest paid actress

“Apparently Deepika these days, asks for a remuneration on a par with what the leading man of a film gets. She rightly feels she has earned herself a place of gender equality in her profession,” a source in the know informs.

Though she couldn’t be given a fee to equal Prabhas (he is paid close to Rs. 50 crores) Deepika, according to sources, is being paid close to Rs. 20 crores which makes her the highest paid actress in the history of Indian cinema.

Interestingly the role of the female protagonist in the Prabhas starrer was not “all that substantial” to begin with. It is now being modified according to Deepika Padukone’s star status and remuneration.

Also Read: IT’S OFFICIAL: Prabhas and Deepika Padukone to star together in Nag Ashwin’s directorial

RRR is a mix of history & fantasy, says the film's storywriter K. Vijayendra Prasad July 21, 2020 at 06:46PM

In S S Rajamouli’s RRR historical fact has been fused with fantasy-fiction. Revealing this, the film’s storywriter K. Vijayendra Prasad says, “It is a fact that the two heroes freedom fighters Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem who fought against the British Raj and Nizam of Hyderabad respectively, existed in history. But as far as we know they never met, never fought together against the British.”

RRR is a mix of history & fantasy, says the film's storywriter K. Vijayendra Prasad

From this point Vijayendra’s imagination took off. “What if the two heroes actually met and fought together against the common enemy? That’s where my imagination comes in.” Vijayendra will of course put a disclaimer about the liberties taken by the plot. “But I know I will still be judged harshly.”

In the meanwhile Vijayendra-scripted bio-pic of Jayalalita, Thaliavi has also shaped up well. Informs Vijayendra, “About thirty percent of the shooting remains. But I saw the rushes of what’s been shot. It’s shaped up beautifully. Kangana Ranaut is fabulous as Jayalalitha.”

Also Read: “From the beginning till the end it will keep you glued like anything”, says RRR writer Madan Karky

Here’s why Hungama 2 director Priyadarshan is compelled to resume shoot by September July 21, 2020 at 06:31PM

Amid the lockdown and film schedules being postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, shootings were halted since March in India. Now, months later, slowly the films are resuming filming adhering to the safety guidelines. Amid the pandemic, Hungama 2 director Priyadarshan is compelled to resume shooting by September 15 due to the child actors.

Here’s why Hungama 2 director Priyadarshan is compelled to resume shoot by September

Hungama 2 stars Meezan Jafri, Pranitha Subhash, Shilpa Shetty, and Paresh Rawal. Besides them, the film has five child actors aged between eight to eleven. Since they have pivotal roles, it will become difficult to showcase the continuity in the storyline since they are growing in height. Speaking to a daily, Priyadarshan said that at this age the children grow rapidly. While the physical changes in the past four months won’t affect much, if the schedule gets delayed further, it will be difficult to retain the continuity in the film. They only have to shoot one song with the children.

The upcoming schedule will commence in Kullu and Manali with the cast and crew for 15 days. Keeping the safety protocols in check, the crew will be in quarantine before they commence the shoot. Ratan Jain, the producer of the film, confirmed they completed the shooting with the 18-month-old baby in March itself. The four children are only required to shoot for four days.

Produced by Ratan Jain, Ganesh Jain, Chetan Jain and Armaan Ventures and directed by Priyadarshan, the comedy multi- starrer, Hungama 2 was earlier slated to release this year.

ALSO READ: “I am lucky to have worked with Jagdeepji & now his grandson Meezaan” – Priyadarshan

BREAKING: Ekta Kapoor buys distribution rights of Varun Dhawan - Sara Ali Khan's Coolie No. 1 for Rs 50 crore July 21, 2020 at 06:30PM

While several biggies have gone the direct-to-digital way, Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan’s upcoming comic entertainer, Coolie No. 1 has held back for a theatrical release. The David Dhawan directorial is hot in the film trade as the exhibitors anticipate it to set the cash registers ringing with the family audience coming on board in huge numbers. Bollywood Hungama has exclusively learnt that the makers of this comic caper have sold their theatrical distribution rights to Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Productions.

BREAKING Ekta Kapoor buys distribution rights of Varun Dhawan - Sara Ali Khan's Coolie No. 1 for Rs 50 crore

“It’s a fresh film with Varun, Sara and a huge ensemble with Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, Javed Jaffery to name some. It has fetched approximately Rs 50 crore from Balaji for the distribution of the film in India. The deal was struck before the coronavirus pandemic and there lies a chance of renegotiating it, depending on the on-ground scenario closer to the film’s release,” revealed a source close to the development, adding further that the film is targeting a January 1 release. “New year is the best time for comedy to arrive as people can get back to the cinema hall to experience a lot of laughter. It’s a typical David Dhawan comedy with colourful songs,” the source added.

Given the amount at which film has been sold at the moment, it would  break even for the distributors in India at approximately Rs. 110 crore, which in the pre-COVID era was an easy task, but now, it all depends on the cinema consumption pattern of the audience. However, the source avers, “The magic of cinema is here to stay and once we leave COVID back, the audience will return to the cinema in huge numbers, as watching a film is like an event for the people in India. Big screen experiences like Sooryavanshi, 83, Radhe, Coolie No. 1 will ensure that cinema is here to stay,” the source signed off.

Coolie No.1 is David Dhawan’s third film with son Varun after Main Tera Hero and Judwaa 2, both which were successful at the box-office. It’s the official remake of Govida and Karisma Kapoor’s comedy by the same name.

Also Read: Varun Dhawan shares a revamped version of his Coolie No. 1 poster

SSR fans asked to do a peaceful protest July 21, 2020 at 06:45PM

As Sushant Singh Rajput's fans and colleagues demanded a CBI enquiry on his death, former cabinet minister Subramanian Swamy had appointed a lawyer to look into his case.

Pic: Taapsee reminisces school days July 21, 2020 at 06:34PM

Today, Taapsee Pannu took to social media once again to share a throwback picture from her 12th grade while reminiscing her good-old school days with childhood friends as she is seen in her school uniform while posing in front of a fence with two other school friends.

Shweta shares post as Big B battles Covid-19 July 21, 2020 at 06:26PM

Amitabh Bachchan, son Abhishek Bachchan, daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and granddaughter Aaradhya have been admitted to hospital after they tested positive for COVID-19 last week. The megastar has been updating fans and well-wishers about his health through regular social media posts. Recently, Big B's daughter Shweta Bachchan shared a picture of the blue sky.

Sanjana Sanghi reveals why she took time to respond to MeToo allegations made against Sushant Singh Rajput July 21, 2020 at 05:57PM

Actress Sanjana Sanghi has finally opened up about the MeToo allegations made against late actor Sushant Singh Rajput during the filming of Dil Bechara. The actress had taken some time before she went on Twitter to clarify the allegations and called it baseless.

Sanjana Sanghi reveals why she took time to respond to MeToo allegations made against Sushant Singh Rajput

Speaking to a tabloid recently, Sanjana Sanghi said that everyone thought only Sushant was troubled after the allegations but she was also very much troubled. She said that they knew the truth, she knew what he meant to her, and he knew that and that was important. They were shooting every day. She said that when one or two articles come out, one can't pay attention to the rumours.

She said that the articles were baseless and nothing changed between the two actors since there was nothing. She further said that imagine how it is for two stars, who adore each other, to sit back and wonder how to prove that all these allegations aren't true. He asked her whether to put out the chats between them. She told him to go ahead and he posted the screenshots. Sanjana said that people were still were not ready to believe. She said that even her clarification did not work.

When asked why it took her few days to clarify the allegations, she said that she shouldn't need to clarify anything since nothing had happened. She didn't want to perpetuate the culture of responding to every rumour posted about them. She said that Sushant was the greatest co-star she could have had and she had utmost love and respect for him, as he did for her.

Sanjana cited that if something would have happened, they would not have gone ahead with the Paris schedule and finished the film. She urged everyone to believe the truth.

Back in October 2018, many reports suggested that Sushant was accused of sexual misconduct by Sanjana. While the actor denied all the allegations, he also shared screenshots from the messages exchanged with his co-star and called the allegations just a smear campaign. "The last thing worth doing is to defend yourself of the fiction created by an agenda. People using this much required campaign for their personal agenda is too much to ignore. So here is the text conversation with Sanjana till the time I shot for the film. I let you decide," he wrote on Twitter.

He also shared their chat screenshots. “I feel sad to reveal personal information but it seems that there is no other way to state what actually happened, in the midst of this curated, well-timed, and agenda-driven smear campaign. From the first day of the shoot till the last day, this is what happened on the sets with Sanjana. Misconduct? Not at all. Agenda? You decide,” he had written in an Instagram post.

Taking to her twitter, she wrote, "On returning from a long trip to the US yesterday, I read several baseless and unfounded stories with respect to misconduct and misbehaviour on the sets of our film Kizie Aur Manny (earlier film title). I'd like to clarify that no such incident took place with me. Let's put an end to these conjectures."

Dil Bechara is slated to release on July 24 on Disney+ Hotstar.

ALSO READ: Sanjana Sanghi misses Sushant Singh Rajput, shares behind-the-scenes photos from Dil Bechara

Ananya is all praise for BFF Suhana Khan July 21, 2020 at 06:16PM

Suhana recently shared some drop-dead gorgeous pictures of herself with her fans on Instagram and it is sure to ward off all your mid-week blues.

Maanayata celebrates birthday with her kids July 21, 2020 at 06:02PM

Today, Bollywood actor, Sanjay Dutt’s wife Maanayata Dutt turns a year older and fabulous. On this special day, the starwife celebrated her 42nd birthday with her daughter, Iqra Dutt and son, Shahraan Dutt in Dubai while missing Sanjay Dutt. The couple has been away from each other for months now due to the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.

Vidya asks people to let SSR rest in peace July 21, 2020 at 05:44PM

Vidya Balan reportedly said that people should now let Sushant Singh Rajput rest in peace and added that one needs to keep quiet and show some respect to the late actor.

PC celebrates 20 years in Bollywood July 21, 2020 at 05:35PM

Priyanka Chopra is celebrating 20 years of her presence in the entertainment industry. The actress recently took to her Instagram handle to share a video of her. In the video, the 'Bajirao Mastani' actress requested her fans to join her in the celebration.

PC thanks people for her birthday wishes July 21, 2020 at 05:11PM

Priyanka Chopra turned a year older on July 18th. On her special day, fans, friends and colleagues from across the world showered love on the actress. Recently, PeeCee took to her Instagram handle to thank every person who took out time to wish the diva.

Anurag Kashyap's fitting reply to a troll July 21, 2020 at 05:08PM

Anurag Kashyap recently gave a fitting reply to a troll who took a dig at his unsuccessful marriages to Aarti Bajaj and Kalki Koechlin.

When Sushmita refused to lip-sync on a song July 21, 2020 at 04:41PM

Sushmita Sen reportedly refused to shoot for the blockbuster song, ‘Mehboob Mere’ from Hrithik Roshan and Karisma Kapoor starrer ‘Fiza’ because it had suggestive lyrics.

पोलैंड के स्टूडेंट्स ने दी बाबूजी हरिवंश राय बच्चन की 'मधुशाला' को आवाज, वीडियो शेयर कर बिग बी ने लिखा- मेरे आंसू बह निकले July 21, 2020 at 02:30PM

महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन 11 दिन से नानावटी हॉस्पिटल के कोविड आइसोलेशन वार्ड में भर्ती हैं। बावजूद इसके वे सोशल मीडिया पर अपनी मौजूदगी बनाए हुए हैं। मंगलवार शाम बिग बी ने यूनेस्को द्वारा सिटी ऑफ लिट्रेचर का दर्जा प्राप्त पोलैंड के व्रोकलॉ शहर का एक वीडियो साझा किया, जिसमें यूनिवर्सिटी के कुछ स्टूडेंट उनके बाबूजी डॉ. हरिवंश राय बच्चन की फेमस रचना मधुशाला गाते दिखाई दे रहे हैं। बिग बी की मानें तो वे इस वीडियो को देखने के बाद इतने इमोशनल हो गए कि अपने आंसू नहीं रोक पाए।

अमिताभ ने लिखा- मेरे आंसू बह निकले

अमिताभ ने वीडियो शेयर करते हुए लिखा है, "मेरे आंसू बह निकले। व्रोकलॉ, पोलैंड को यूनेस्को सिटी ऑफ लिट्रेचर से सम्मानित किया गया था। आज उन्होंने यूनिवर्सिटी की छत पर स्टूडेंट द्वारा बाबूजी की मधुशाला का गायन करवाया। उन्होंने संदेश दिया है कि व्रोकलॉ डॉ. हरिवंश राय बच्चन का शहर है।"

क्या है सिटी ऑफ लिट्रेचर सम्मान

सिटी ऑफ लिट्रेचर यूनेस्को के व्यापक 'क्रिएटिव सिटी नेटवर्क' के 7 क्रिएटिव फील्ड में से एकहै। 2004 में यह नेटवर्क लॉन्च किया गया था। लिट्रेचर के अलावा इस नेटवर्क में दूसरे क्रिएटिव फील्ड क्राफ्ट और फोक आर्ट्स, डिजाइन, फिल्म, गैस्ट्रोनॉमी, मीडिया आर्ट्स और म्यूजिक हैं। सिटी ऑफ लिट्रेचर में शामिल होने के लिए शहर को यूनेस्को के क्राइटेरिया पर फिट बैठना होता है। व्रोकलॉ को 2019 में यह सम्मान दिया गया गया।

अस्पताल मे बाबूजी को बहुत याद कर रहे बिग बी

अस्पताल में अमिताभ बच्चन बाबूजी को बहुत याद कर रहे हैं और उनकी कविताएं भी सोशल मीडिया पर साझा कर रहे हैं। रविवार को उन्होंने ऐसी ही एक कविता उन डॉक्टर्स को समर्पित की थी, जो कोरोना से संक्रमित बच्चन परिवार का इलाज कर रहे हैं।


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Amitabh Bachchan gets emotional after watching recitation of father Harivansh Rai Bachchan's 'Madhushala' by students

Pics: Amy Jackson with fiance George July 20, 2020 at 09:16PM

Amy Jackson has been actively sharing pictures of her Italian vacay with beau George Panayiotou. Yesterday, she shared beautiful moments from her trip. Now, she took to her Instagram handle to share some more pictures and you can't miss them!

Big B's views on 'silence' & 'uncertainty' July 20, 2020 at 09:07PM

Amitabh Bachchan, who has been battling Covid-19 in the hospital since the past few days has been quite active on social media. From giving updates about his health to thanking his fans for all their prayers and love, the veteran actor has been keeping all his fans on their toes.

Timeline of Kangana VS Taapsee & Swara July 20, 2020 at 09:05PM

Kangana Ranaut recently said that Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker are B grade actresses. She questioned why they are still B grade actresses if they love Karan Johar.

Ranvir Shorey on mainstream B'wood flunkies July 20, 2020 at 08:49PM

Today, actor Ranvir Shorey took to Twitter to take a dig at the independent filmmakers making their way into mainstream Bollywood and wrote in a tweet, “So many independent-film-crusaders have turned mainstream-bollywood-flunkies now. These are the same people who used to rant 24/7 about the “system” for attention before they were given entry into the pearly gates of mainstream Bollywood. #Hypocrisy much?”

Dil Bechara: AR Rahman to pay virtual tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput July 20, 2020 at 07:24PM

Actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on June 14 after he was found dead in his apartment. The actor's last film Dil Bechara will release later this month. The trailer received immense response from the audience. Now, music maestro AR Rahman, who has composed the album for the film, will pay virtual tribute to the actor.

Dil Bechara: AR Rahman to pay virtual tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput

On Monday, AR Rahman tweeted, "Catch us on 22nd July at 12 p.m. @disneyplushsvip & @sonymusicindia for a musical tribute to our beloved #SushantSinghRajput #DilBechara."

Singers like Mohit Chauhan, Shreya Ghoshal, Arijit Singh, Sashaa Tirupati, Jonita Gandhi, Hriday Gattani, Sunidhi Chauhan, and lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya will participate in the virtual tribute.

Director Mukesh Chhabra thanked AR Rahman for this tribute and wrote, "Thank you so much @arrahman sir for doing this for Sushant, a beautiful tribute dedicated to him. Out of his own love arrahman has created this beautiful gesture, a big thank you, will forever be grateful. All of you have already showed us so much love towards the #DilBechara album, here is something more special to look forward to, catch it live on 22nd July 12pm on Disney+Hotstar and @sonymusicindia musical tribute to my brother #SushantSinghRajput."

Directed by Mukesh Chhabra, Dil Bechara starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi will release on July 24 on Disney+ Hotstar.

ALSO READ: Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister shares a five-minute video giving glimpses into his personal life

Shekhar Suman reacts to séance expert claiming to have spoken to Sushant Singh Rajput's spirit July 20, 2020 at 07:21PM

The efforts to cash in on Sushant Singh Rajput’s posthumous popularity have now crossed all borders with paranormalist Steve Huff claiming to have “spoken” to Sushant. The video of Huff “talking” to the dead actor has gone viral all across the world, with Sushant’s fans sharply divided into believers and non-believers.

Shekhar Suman reacts to séance expert claiming to have spoken to Sushant Singh Rajput's spirit

What we know for certain is that Sushant’s family is not happy about the way his memory is being kept alive. A source close to the family reveals, “Sushant’s father would like a closure to this very tragic chapter in his life. He has lost his only son and instead of helping him to get over the tragedy people are constantly reminding him of his immeasurable loss. It is cruel and it must stop.”

Waking Sushant up from the dead by ‘summoning’ him from the afterlife is not an idea that Sushant’s family relishes. Gimmicks such as these must stop.

Shekhar Suman, who is pressing for a CBI inquiry into Sushant’s death, feels the Steve Huff angle to be utterly dispensable. “Let’s stick to the normal and not go into the paranormal. Let’s go by the CBI for investigation and not Huff and puff about the paranormal. If talking to the dead was a solution we’d have no need of any investigating agencies in the world.”

Also Read: Shekhar Suman lights a candle in Sushant Singh Rajput’s memory; says he inspired millions of ‘outsiders’

Marathi actress Usha Jadhav flies to Spain to shoot a film July 20, 2020 at 07:03PM

In these tough times of the coronavirus and lockdowns, our own National award winning actress Usha Jadhav has flown to Spain to shoot a feature film a Spanish film La Nueva Normalidad directed by Alejandro Cortés.

Marathi actress Usha Jadhav flies to Spain to shoot a film

Connecting from Fuentes de Ebro in Spain, Usha whose performance in the Marathi film Dhag won her a National award says she is shooting under a strict precautionary environment. “Masks are a must. We are following all the guidelines. The team follows various sorts of precautions like sanitization of everything multiple times which also includes camera and lenses with specific liquid spray. Everyone is provided with face masks and sanitizer on the set. No touching or hugging is allowed on the set and face mask is mandatory all the time. Dress department does the washing and cleaning of clothes every day. The entire cast and crew are strictly instructed to abide by the rules. The cases here are really low right now hence the team is allowed to start shootings with a minimum crew.”

Explaining why she had to do this film Usha says, “Alejandro Cortes directed two feature films which got awards at film festivals all over the world. He makes a storyboard first. Without a story board he doesn't shoot. I was happily surprised to receive the story board when I was still in Mumbai. Another good thing on this project is for the first time I am working with a female cinematographer. Our DOP is Vanessa Alami. Alejandro always works with her.”